Clarity’s Culture

When faced with health uncertainties, seeking answers is crucial. A visit to your doctor often involves various tests, some requiring laboratory analysis, and the choice of where to send your test matters. You want a laboratory that not only boasts competence but is dedicated to enhancing outcomes – that’s where Clarity comes in.

Our team is the cornerstone of realizing our vision. This means fostering an environment where Clarity employees understand the significance, value, and meaning behind their work. To fortify our culture, we initiated a comprehensive process called “The Compelling Journey™”. Through this, our senior leaders collaboratively reviewed and refined our Mission, Vision, and Values. We established Strategic Pillars aligning with our purpose: Supporting Better Outcomes.

To comprehend our culture better, we conducted an assessment to create a baseline, identifying areas for improvement and aligning with our desired culture. Leadership’s substantial impact on culture became evident, prompting us to delve into our leaders’ influence on their teams. Utilizing survey tools linked to our culture measurement, our leaders received insightful feedback, motivating us to enhance our leadership skills collaboratively. Our leadership team now convenes monthly to refine our leadership approach as a cohesive unit.

Cultivating a dynamic culture involves behavior change, acknowledging that it’s an ongoing process. As we evolve, we extend our focus from leadership to managers and other roles within Clarity. Our people, coupled with their adept use of technology, set Clarity apart in the marketplace. As leaders, we are committed to providing our best to elicit their best, working towards the shared goal of supporting better outcomes for those benefiting from our distinctive laboratory tests. The foundation of everything we do lies in establishing and maintaining a constructive culture daily, as our employees deserve nothing less. Join us on our Compelling Journey™ as we strive for continuous improvement and a brighter future.